May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Willoughton Parish Council


The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Thursday, 27th May, 2021, at 7:00pm



Cllr. Mr. B. Moore, Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell, Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano,

Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips, Cllr. Mr. P. Baldwin, Cllr. Ms. H. Goring, Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan(W.L.D.C.),

Mrs. K. Baldwin (Clerk)

No members of the public attended.



None were required



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held 28th March, 2019, were approved and signed


Matters Arising

The Neighbourhood Plan was completed and approved by Willoughton residents on 06/06/2019.

West Lindsey District Council also approved the Plan in July, 2019.


Precept And Accounts

The Precept was kept at the same level as last year - £7,700.

There is the sum of £8,795.34 in the Current Account and £11,500.45 in the Savings Account. This is before payment of annual accounts and monthly accounts.


Any Other Business

The question of the land made available to the School for the provision of a green space at the last meeting was raised.

It is understood that there has been a change of Headteacher at the School over the past year and no further progress has been made at present with regard to the green space area.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 7:10pm