Agenda 23rd March 2023



A Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall,

Thursday 23rd March at 6.30 pm

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

Hazel Fox - Parish Clerk 17th March 2023




1. Apologies for absence


2. Declaration of Interests / Dispensations

Declarations of Interests in respect to agenda items, to be made and

recorded in the minutes even if an interest has been declared in the

register. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item

and the type of interest being declared.


3. Minutes

To approve the minutes of the meetings held 26th January and

2nd March 2023.


4. Matters arising


Village noticeboard

Neighbourhood plan (Luke Brown invitation)

Michael Head (Neighbourhood policing)


Website maintenance service

Solar developments/ invitation from 7000 Acres Group

Councillor E-mail addresses

HRH King Charles III coronation


5. Playing Field

Basketball post


Funding for replacement equipment


6. Highways

Purchase of 30 mph signs

Water Hollowgate Hill/Long Lane

Water corner of Gainsborough Road outside Caudle House

Drain running alongside Templefield Road

Drains on Church Street

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership


7. Accounts

To approve payments.


8. Correspondence received

Circulated in advance.


9. Agenda for future meetings

To take note of any items Councillors wish to agenda for the next

or future meetings.


10. To confirm the date and time of next Meeting (subject to any

change in circumstances) as:

Thursday 25th May 2023 @ 6.30pm