Minutes 23rd January 2025 DRAFT


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall, Thursday 23rd January 2025 @ 6.30pm.


Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs. T. Given, Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips, and Ms. Hazel Fox (Clerk).

Also present, Ms. Sheila Bibb (Gainsborough Constituency Conservative Association).


Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano (Chair), Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke, Cllr. Ms. H. Goring, and Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.).


Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell expressed an interest as his Wife is Chair of the Board of Governors of Willoughton School.

Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest as lessee of the Playing Field. Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell and Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest in Willoughton Church and Churchyard.


No comments made.


Resolution: Minutes approved and were signed by the chair.


Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams did not attend and neither apology nor a report were received.


Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan advised; a comprehensive report will be issued to Councillors in due course.


a. Rospa inspection.

The annual Rospa inspection has now taken place, which included the football field. Items of concern were:

Benches - Cllr Mrs. T. Given advised the refurbishment will be undertaken in the spring when the weather is warmer.

Youth shelter - Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson will discuss with Mr Phil Cooper the power-washing of the dirt/algae. The Clerk will discuss with Mr Cooper grass seeding this area and other worn areas in the play area.

Wave slide – The contractor had previously informed, this item is out of production and spare parts cannot be sourced. When the item comes to the end of its useful life or is a safety concern, the Council will need to look to remove/replace.

Fencing – Cllr Mrs. T. Given advised, quotations are currently being sourced for refurbishment and would be brought back to the next meeting.

Goal posts – The Chair queried why this area had been inspected as is not part of the play area. The Clerk was requested to write to Rospa and advise this should be removed from inspection regime. The Clerk will pass their comments on to the football club for their advice.

Action: Cllr Mrs. T. Given, Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, Clerk

b. Bins

Cllr. Ms. H. Goring had suggested plastic bottles could be recycled on the play area/football field. The Clerk had been in discussions with WLDC, however no facilities are available to collect segregated waste at present, as all bins emptied are collected by one vehicle. A trade bin could be requested, emptied weekly or monthly, however the Council would need to ensure no plastic is contaminated by other waste. This would require a dedicated person to check the bin, as presence of any other waste would lead to a non-collection. The Councillors present, decided not to take this suggestion any further.

Bins are regularly reported as full, and the Clerk advised the cost of further 50 litre (standard) bins as £85 + £50 for a post installed by WLDC. Larger (112 ltr) bins are available at £450 + £60 fitting. These larger bins require a concrete base provided by the Council. The silver bin near the Teen Shelter is now registered as a bin and will be emptied weekly.

Resolution: A further 2 x 50ltr bins will be ordered with WLDC.

Action: Clerk.

c. Clerk and Councillor inspections.

Weekly inspections.

Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson noted on the 25th November inspection, grass required a final cut. The Clerk contacted the contractor and his was done satisfactorily. No other issues were reported.

The Clerk reminded Councillors; weekly inspection of the play area is required under the terms of the insurance policy.

The Clerk will discuss with Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke if she is willing to undertake more inspections.

Monthly inspections.

As part of the Kompan warranty, the equipment must also be inspected monthly. The Clerk has been undertaking this role voluntarily. A list of items noted in the October check was sent to Kompan for rectification. The Clerk has been chasing for these to be corrected. This has now been completed except for an un-secure cap on the boat, and a loose fixing on the rotating climber. Kompan have advised, they will return to site.

 Action: Clerk.

d. Benches refurbishment.

This was discussed at a. Rospa inspection above.

2501/08. HIGHWAYS.

a. Water corner of Gainsborough Road outside Caudle House.

This matter is still ongoing, and Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips will take photos for the Clerk to be used in discussions with LCC Highways/Anglian Water.

Action: Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips.

b. Drain cover Gainsborough Road (opposite Caudle House).

This has now been repaired. Matter closed.

c. Repairs to collapsed/damaged drain Pond Corner (junction of Templefield Road and Hollowgate Hill).

The Clerk had discussed this matter with LCC Highways on 16th December. Advice received, that the cyclic team had jetted the road from Southfield Lane to Hollowgate Hill and the water was running freely. They saw no issues with a collapsed/damaged drain. Photos were requested of this problem. Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson advised, it was the LCC Highways team who discovered this issue near the bench, and if the manhole cover is lifted, the issue can be seen.

d. Blocked grating between 3 and 7 Northfield Lane.

The Clerk had discussed this again with LCC Highways on 16th December. Advice received back was, this lane is low priority as it is not a main road, however it will be added to the list of the cyclic team for when they are next in Willoughton. A separate job will not be raised for this one item. The LCC team have a 7-month backlog, and priority is being given to house flooding and main routes.

e. Hollowgate Hill.

The Clerk had discussed this with LCC Highways on 16th December, at which point the drain was flowing freely.

Cllr. Ms. H. Goring reported to the Clerk on 10th January, water was again flowing down the hill, freezing, and causing dangerous driving conditions. This was reported immediately to LCC Highways. A site visit took place on 15th January, reporting back that gulleys are again blocked and would be jetted; however, water is coming off the adjacent field exacerbating the problem. The Clerk again reiterated, the drainage pipe is not fit for purpose and requires replacement. LCC Highways believe the pipe could cope with carriageway water with regular jetting and will not replace at present.

The condition of the road surface was also discussed after the recent refurbishment works. The road is showing signs of “stripping” and causing large quantities of loose chippings/debris to be collected at the edges and at the bottom of Hollowgate Hill. This has been reported to the contractor as “failed” and will require works. The Clerk requested “skid issue” signs and a sweeper is sent to clear up the debris.

Due to the matters above not being resolved, Councillors requested the Clerk contact LCC Highways and request a site

visit with Councillors, so these matters can be discussed.

Action: Clerk.

f. Speed indicator devices.

Two devices have now been purchased and are in storage awaiting fitting. The Clerk had met with Mr Graeme Butler from the Road Safety Partnership, who advised a position on Vicarage Road, which was agreed at the meeting in November. A position on Templefield Road was also advised.

Resolution: Both recommended positions are approved. The Clerk to request Mr Butler to arrange fitting.

Action: Clerk.

Upon installation, data will be collected from these devices to assist in discussion regarding speed limit reductions both through the village and on the B1398.

g. Consideration of a dog waste bin near Caudle House.

The Clerk had discussed this with WLDC, who advised a bin could be placed in this location at a cost of £180.

Resolution: The Clerk will write to WLDC requesting a dual-purpose bin near the salt bin.

Action: Clerk.


The Clerk had completed the application form to request a unit at Mount Yard, Long Lane in November. WLDC advised policy is not to install on private residences, however, will perform an inspection visit and inform if this is acceptable. The Clerk has chased this up on several occasions and emailed again on 15th January.

Resolution: The Clerk will continue to chase and will request assistance from Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.).

Action: Clerk.


Despite initial interest from residents, no volunteers had come forward after publicity on the Facebook site, Website, and noticeboard. The Clerk was requested to have another publicity push, requesting interest to be lodged by the end of February. Cllr Mrs. T. Given will also follow up on the interest shown by residents to gauge if this is still the case.

Action: Cllr Mrs. T. Given/Clerk.

2501/11. POLICIES.

Financial Regulations.

The Clerk had prepared updated regulations for adoption by the Council.

Resolution: The policy is approved without amendment and will be published on the Council Website.

Action: Clerk.


This was withdrawn by the resident and requested no further discussion.


It was agreed, this matter should be deferred to the March meeting to allow Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano to take part in discussions.

2501/14. ACCOUNTS.

a. To approve payments.

Resolution: The following payments are approved:

Elite Signs £509.98

Rospa £318.00

Litter Picking for January £114.40

Litter Picking for February £114.40

Clerk salary (03/01/25 – 31/01/25) £222.56.

Clerk salary (31/01/25 – 28/02/25) - £222.56.

Village Hall rent for postal outreach services (03/01/25 – 28/02/25) £96.00.

Elan City £5014.78

LALC £101.70

This will leave £11,562.08 in the parish council accounts.


19/11/24, 26/11/24, 03/12/24, 17/12/24. 07/01/25, 10/12/24, 14/01/25 Rural Services Network Rural bulletin

25/11/24 WLDC Parish News

26/11/24, 23/12/24 LCC Town and Parish Council update

29/11/24, 13/12/24, 10/01/25 LALC E-News

04/12/24, 08/01/25 Rural Services Network Funding digest

06/12/24 Ron Bailey Reminder of webinar

06/12/24 Rospa Yearly inspection report

09/12/24 WLDC Christmas Greetings

11/12/24 Inspector Michael Head (Lincolnshire Police) Statistics

12/12/24 WLDC Register of electors.

13/12/24 Inspector Michael Head (Lincolnshire Police) Fraud advice

18/12/24 Parish Online  Newsletter

19/12/24 Resident letter             

23/12/24 WLDC Lower Witham Flood resilience project Newsletter

27/12/24 LALC   Annual Sub invoice

31/12/24 Lincolnshire Police Parish Council engagement session update

03/01/25 LALC   Details of planning training course

07/01/25 Zurich Insurance Flyer

07/01/25 LALC   Request for information

08/01/25 LCC Budget consultation invitation

13/01/25 Ron Bailey Update on Lithium-ion batteries bill

Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell was due to attend the Lincolnshire Police Parish Council Engagement Session on 14th January 2025

6pm-8pm via MS Teams, however this was cancelled.

Resolution: The Council support Mr Bailey’s campaign and write to WLDC/LCC to request assistance.

Resolution: The Clerk will redistribute the transport questionnaire details requesting all Councillors complete individually.

Resolution: The Clerk will redistribute the Standards regime questionnaire details requesting all Councillors complete individually.

Resolution: The Clerk will complete the Audit consultation on behalf of the Council.


Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson - Grant request from the Church.

Cllr. Ms. H. Goring – Safety review of A15/B1398 roads.

2501/17. NEXT MEETING.

The date and time of the next meeting will be (subject to any change in circumstances):

Thursday 27th March 2025 @ 6.30 pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed @ 7.08 pm.