Agenda 28th November 2024


A meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall, Thursday 28th November 2024 @ 6.30pm.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Hazel Fox – Parish Clerk 22nd November 2024.


2411/01 Apologies for absence.

2411/02 Declaration of Interests / Dispensations.

Declarations of Interests in respect to agenda items, to be made and recorded in the minutes even if an interest has been declared in the register. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and the type of interest being declared.

2411/03 Public Participation:

Members of the public may raise subjects, which they wish to bring to the attention of the Council. The time will be restricted to 15 minutes maximum unless the Council decides otherwise. Members of the public should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda and that no discussion can be entered into once the meeting has commenced unless the meeting is suspended by the Chair.

2411/04 Minutes.

To approve the minutes of the meetings held 26th September 2024.

2411/05 Report from Cllr. C. Perraton Williams.

2411/06 Report from Cllr. P. Howitt-Cowan.

2411/07 Playing Field.

a. Matters relating to the Play Area including grass cutting, signage and bins.

b. Clerk and Councillor inspections.

c. Benches refurbishment.

2411/08 Highways.

a. Water corner of Gainsborough Road outside Caudle House.

b. Drain cover Gainsborough Road (opposite Caudle House).

c. Repairs to collapsed/damaged drain Pond Corner (junction of Templefield Road & Hollowgate Hill).

d. Blocked grating between 3 and 7 Northfield Lane.

e. Hollowgate Hill.

f. Speed indicator devices.

g. Salt bins.

h. Consideration of dog waste bin near Caudle House.

2411/09 Defibrillator units.

2411/10 Village Christmas Tree/Lighting Event/Risk Assessment.

2411/11 Clerk annual review.

2411/12 Policies

a. Grants policy/application form.

b. Volunteer policy/application form.

2411/13 Volunteer work at the War Memorial and the Church.

2411/14 Request from resident. Layby at The Bungalows.

2411/15 Precept 2025/2026.

2411/16 Neighbourhood plan review.

2411/17 Accounts.

a. To approve payments.

b. NALC salary award for Clerks.

2411/18 Correspondence received.

Circulated in advance.

2411/19 Agenda for future meetings.

To take note of any items Councillors wish to Agenda for the next or future meetings.

2411/20 To confirm the date and time of next Meeting (subject to any change in circumstances) as:

Thursday 23rd January 2025 @ 6.30pm.