Minutes 28th November 2024
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall, Thursday 28th November 2024 @ 6.30pm.
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell (Vice-Chair), Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke, Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, and Ms. Hazel Fox (Clerk).
Also present, Ms. Sheila Bibb (Gainsborough Constituency Conservative Association).
Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano (Chair), Cllr Mrs. T. Given, Cllr. Ms. H. Goring,
Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips, and Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.).
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell expressed an interest as his Wife is Chair of the Board of Governors of Willoughton School. Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest as lessee of the Playing Field. Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell and Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest in Willoughton Church and Churchyard.
Prior to the start of the meeting, the Chair expressed their condolences to the family of Mr. Brian Moore.
Mr. Moore served faithfully as a Councillor at Willoughton for many years and his contribution and support was unwavering. The Parish Council wished to communicate their thanks for Mr. Moore’s dedication and his involvement in the success.
Ms. Sheila Bibb (Gainsborough Constituency Conservative Association) introduced herself as a prospective candidate of the upcoming County Council elections. Ms. Gibb gave a brief resume of her experience and informed the Council of what she would envisage she could bring to the role. Councillors thanked Ms. Bibb for attending.
Resolution: Minutes approved and were signed by the chair.
Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams did not attend and neither apology nor a report were received.
Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan was unable to attend due to a prior commitment, however had emailed the Clerk a report to be distributed prior to the meeting. The report highlighted, the budget challenges facing West Lindsey District Council, the development of the cinema in Gainsborough and the Baltic Mill, food waste collections, the district council’s precept setting, solar farms, inheritance tax on farmers and the West Lindsey Churches Festival. The Chair thanked Cllr. Mr. Howitt-Cowan for a most informative report.
a. Grass cutting, signage and bins.
The Clerk advised; the contractor had made the last cut at the end of October and will resume in the first week of March. Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson will inspect the field, and report back to the Clerk if it is felt a further cut should be made outside of these dates. The new sign is now in situ and makes note of thanks to the funders
Action: Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson.
b. Clerk and Councillor inspections.
Bins are regularly reported as full, and discussion was held on if West Lindsey District Council are emptying every week as scheduled. The Clerk and Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke will monitor. The Clerk had requested increasing the schedule to twice weekly, however was informed this was not possible due to budget restrictions. More bins can be purchased at a cost of £85 plus £50 per post, or larger bins at £450 plus £60 fitting, with the Parish Council providing a concrete base. The Clerk was requested to ascertain volume of current and larger bins and report back to meeting in January. The silver bin near the teen shelter is not an official WLDC bin and therefore is often missed on the emptying schedule. The Clerk was requested to discuss registering this, or if this should be swapped for a black bin to ensure emptying. Action: Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke /Clerk.
No issues other than full bins were noted. The Clerk will remind Councillors of the roster and the requirement to ensure insurance and warranty conditions are met. Action: Clerk.
c. Benches refurbishment.
This was deferred to the January meeting as Cllr Mrs. T. Given was not present for the discussions. The Clerk will request Cllr. Given issues progress report to Council if sending apologies for January meeting, so this matter may be moved forward. Action: Clerk.
2411/08. HIGHWAYS.
a. Water corner of Gainsborough Road outside Caudle House.
Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips has again contacted Anglian Water, who advised they would inspect but suspected it was a highways issue. A staff member had suggested a possibility of a leak from a water meter in the corner of the field which was to be investigated. Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips expressed concern of ice during the cold winter months. The Clerk will take this matter up again with Anglian Water/LCC Highways and the Environment Agency. Action: Clerk.
b. Drain cover Gainsborough Road (opposite Caudle House).
This has now been repaired. Matter closed.
c. Repairs to collapsed/damaged drain Pond Corner (junction of Templefield Road and Hollowgate Hill).
Mr Martin Snaith (LCC Highways) advised on 21st October, this matter is on the list to be looked at, however there is a backlog of jobs. The Clerk will continue to chase. Action: Clerk.
d. Blocked grating between 3 and 7 Northfield Lane.
Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson advised this was still an issue. The Clerk will chase. Action: Clerk.
e. Hollowgate Hill.
Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson will monitor and advise the Clerk if issues remain. Action: Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson.
f. Speed indicator devices.
The Clerk had met with Mr. Graeme Butler, who suggested the optimum position of a device at the entrance to the village on Vicarage Road. Discussion was held on if solar or battery should be purchased, and Councillors agreed, solar would be preferred. Mr. Butler advised Elan City devices as already in use by the Parish Council and would charge £200 for a fixed solar post. The Clerk had noticed an offer currently until the end of December to purchase two devices for £3,999 plus carriage (usual cost approx. £3,000 each). Councillors agreed, two devices should be purchased, and advice sought from Mr. Butler on positioning at entrance to the village prior to Templefield Road (Gainsborough Road). The Clerk will advise Councillors of the lead time. Resolution: 2 x devices to be purchased at a cost of £3,999 plus carriage. Action: Clerk.
The Clerk was also requested to write to LCC Highways to explore the possibility of a 40mph limit after the “S bend” on Gainsborough Road to slow traffic down before they reach the 30mph limit. Action: Clerk.
g. Salt bins.
All bins have been checked and replenished by LCC Highways. The damaged bin on Hollowgate Hill will not be replaced, with the reason given, this road is a priority salting route and therefore the highways policy is not to provide resident salt bins on those routes as they are not necessary.
h. Consideration of a dog waste bin near Caudle House.
This was highlighted during salt bin inspections, as a resident had used this bin to deposit dog waste. The area is on a popular route for dog walkers, and Councillors agreed a bin in this location would be beneficial.
Resolution: The Clerk will write to WLDC requesting a dual-purpose bin near the salt bin. Action: Clerk.
The Clerk had completed the application form to request a unit at Mount Yard, Long Lane. WLDC advised policy is not to install on private residences, however, will perform an inspection visit and inform if this is acceptable. The Clerk to chase this up. Action: Clerk.
2411/10. Christmas Tree/Lighting Event/Risk Assessment.
A Norway Spruce had been purchased and delivered at a reduced price from 2023 and was now in situ.
Thanks were expressed to Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano for her assistance during delivery.
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell and Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson will offer assistance to Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano in installing the lights. It is anticipated, the lights will be switched on by Sunday 1st December. The Clerk had produced and issued a risk assessment document. Discussion was held on a lighting event, however due to refurbishments ongoing at the Village Hall, this is not possible this year.
Action: Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell and Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson.
Councillors agreed, the work of the Clerk has been exemplary, and no issues have been reported. The Chair thanked the Clerk for her hard work and dedication and her positive contribution toward the Parish Council for the benefit of the inhabitants of the village.
2411/12. POLICIES.
a. Grants policy/application form.
b. Volunteer policy/application form.
Resolution: Both policies approved without amendment.
Councillors wished to thank Mrs Jeffery for her work at the War Memorial and the Churchyard, Mr Cooper for his work at the Churchyard, the Playing Field and his assistance to the Clerk, and Mrs Cooper for her work in planting flowers in the village and creating flower beds. Their work is greatly appreciated.
Mrs Cooper had written to the Council requesting a grant of £400 to purchase planters and materials to further this work in the Spring. Councillors agreed, this would enhance the village for the benefit of the residents and should be agreed.
Resolution: The grant is approved, and the Clerk will liaise to ensure the appropriate forms are completed. Action: Clerk.
A resident has requested, the Parish Council approach LCC Highways on their behalf to pursue a Traffic Regulation Order for the layby to be designated residents only parking.
This was discussed by the Council, and concerns were expressed on where carers visiting the bungalows would park and other visitors to the area. A complaint had been received by the Clerk of a car parked on the footpath blocking the way of children walking to school, as the layby was full, and if the layby was not available, this could become a regular occurrence. Councillors requested the Clerk write to the resident and advise; assistance could not be given for these reasons. Action: Clerk.
2411/15. PRECEPT 2025/2026.
The Clerk had completed the estimate request and submitted to WLDC for the sum of £8,800 which was equivalent to a 3% increase from the previous year. Councillors agreed, this figure should be put forward as the final claim form. The Chair, Cllr. Miss. K. Clarke, Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson and the Clerk signed the form. The Clerk was requested to deliver this to WLDC. Action: Clerk.
It was agreed, this matter should be deferred to the January meeting to allow Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano to take part in discussions.
2411/17. ACCOUNTS.
a. To approve payments.
Resolution: The following payments are approved:
Poppy Wreath (reimburse Clerk) £25.00
Poppy Appeal donation (reimburse Clerk) £25.00
Mrs Moore flowers (reimburse Clerk) £52.50
Strawson’s (Christmas tree) £115.99
Clerk salary for 1st November-29th November (4 weeks) £300.68
Clerk salary for 29th November-3rd January (5 weeks) £278.20
Litter picking for November £114.40
Litter picking for December £114.40
Village Hall rent for postal outreach service 1st November-3rd January (9 weeks @ 2 hours of £6)108.00
Post Office (reimburse Clerk) £8.35
Resident (reimburse for village flowers) £67.98
This will leave £16,569.81 in the current account and £1,705.19 in the savings account. A total of £18,275 in the parish Council accounts. Vat reclaim of £15,990.10 has been received from HMRC.
b. NALC salary award for Clerks.
20/09/24 Paul Howitt-Cowan Information NPPF consultation
20/09/24 LALC E-news & Training bulletin
24/09/24, 02/10/24, 08/10/24, 15/10/24, 22/10/24, 29/10/24, 05/11/24,12/11/24,19/11/24 Rural Services Network Rural bulletin
24/09/24 LCC Town and Parish Council update
30/09/24, 12/11/24 Ron Bailey Lithium battery safety campaign update
01/10/24 Kompan inspection report
03/10/24, 06/11/24 Rural Services Network funding digest
07/10/24 WLDC Invitation to Civic Service/50th anniversary celebration
07/10/24, 18/10/24, 01/11/24,15/11/24 LALC E-News
08/10/24 WLDC 2024/2025 Register of Electors
11/10/24 Paul Howitt-Cowan West Lindsey News
14/10/24 Inspector Michael Head (Lincolnshire Police) Crime statistics
22/10/24 LALC Training bulletin
28/10/24 WLDC Notice of meeting
29/10/24 LCC Town and Parish Council update
04/11/24 Lincolnshire Police Notice of engagement session
06/11/24 Lincolnshire Police Crime statistics
07/11/24 WLDC Parish News
09/11/24 LACL Webmaster Details of PCC survey
15/11/24 Paul Howitt-Cowan Information on Tillbridge Solar
16/11/24 Paul Howitt-Cowan Information on garden waste
18/11/24 Ron Bailey Webinar details
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell will attend the Lincolnshire Police Parish Council Engagement Session on 14th January 2025
6pm-8pm via MS Teams. The Clerk will register Cllr. Cowell. Action: Clerk.
None advised.
2411/20. NEXT MEETING.
The date and time of the next meeting will be (subject to any change in circumstances):
Thursday 23rd January 2025 @ 6.30 pm in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed @ 7.35 pm.