March 2021 Minutes

Willoughton Parish Council


A “Zoom” meeting of the Parish Council was held Thursday, 25th March, 2021, at 7:30pm,, hosted by Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell

No members of the public were in attendance at this meeting



Cllr. Mr. B. Moore (Chairman), Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell (Vice-Chairman), Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson,

Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano, Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips, Cllr. Mr. P. Baldwin, Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams (L.C.C.), Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.), Mrs. K. Baldwin (Clerk)



None were required


Register Of Interest

Cllr. Mr. B. Moore expressed an interest as a member of the Football Club Committee

Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell expressed an interest as his Wife is Chair of the Board of Governors of Willoughton School

Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest as lessee of the Playing Field and local landowner


Minutes Of The Zoom Meeting Held 28th January, 2021

The minutes of the meeting held 28th January, 2021, were approved and in view of Covid 19 restrictions it was unanimously agreed that the Clerk, Mrs. K. Baldwin, should sign the minutes.

Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams was going on to attend another Parish Council meeting in Northorpe and in order to facilitate this “Highways” was dealt with next.



Outstanding issues remain with the drain on Hollowgate Hill, the potholes on Church Street and Long Lane, the drain at Pond Corner on Templefield Road and the poor state of repair of Gainsborough Road.

Cllr. Perraton-Williams informed the meeting that a contractor was due to inspect the drain on Hollowgate Hill during 25th March, 2021 – this does not appear to have taken place.

Cllr. Perraton-Williams also informed the meeting that re-surfacing of parts of Gainsborugh Road was scheduled to take place after April.

The moving of the 30 mph sign on Gainsborough Road will be re-addressed after July once traffic picks up following the removal of Covid 19 restrictions.

The scheduled meeting with Cllr. Perraton-Williams, a representative from Highways and

Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.

Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams left the meeting at this point.


Playing Field

The new goalposts have now been installed on the Playing Field and the football pitch has been moved northwards to allow for the repair and re-seeding of worn areas. The goalposts were purchased from Sports Equip and installed by Garden Angels who also carried out the work on the football pitch.

Some repairs are necessary to the boards around the bark chipping and Matthew Waller is to be approached with regard to this. The Village Noticeboard is also in need of a facelift and again Matthew is to be approached.

Complaints have been received from a neighbour of the playing field with regard to general noise and loud music being played well into the evening. Youngsters are responsible for this and when approached by the neighbour verbal abuse and argument followed.

This is unacceptable behaviour and our PCSO, Julie McFaul is to be informed. Hopefully, this will be dealt with and not repeated in the future.


Definitive Map - Local Footpaths

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that a review of the Definitive Map is to be carried out. This will be published in 2026 and any footpaths not included by that date will be lost.

Maps showing old footpaths which are no longer in use are to be investigated, together with the possible re-routing of some existing footpaths.

Once meetings are allowed in the Village Hall, these maps can be studied and decisions taken with regard to this.



There is in the Current Account the sum of £1408.41. This includes a VAT refund of £136.17 and the payment of two cheques to:

Sports Equip, Cheque 791, in the sum of £594.00

Garden Angels, Cheque 792, in the sum of £338.40

There will be a VAT refund due on both of these payments.

There are three cheques requiring signature:

Cheque 793, Luana de Santis, litter picking for March £87.20

The next two cheques will be in the accounts for 2021/2022

Cheque 794, Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils, annual subscription for 2021/2022 £136.77

The minimum wage rate rises from 1st April, 2021, to £8.91 per hour

Cheque 795, Luana de Santis, Litter picking for April £89.10

After all cheques for the current financial year have been cleared, this leaves in the Current Account the sum of £1321.21.

This gives a total of £12,821.47 in the Parish Council accounts.

The audit for the financial year 2020/2021 is now due for completion. Mr. Brent Peaurt is to be requested to complete the internal audit and prepare the Parish Council accounts for submission to the external audtitors.



Notice of election of a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Lincolnshire Police Area and of the election of a County Councillor for our area have been received from West Lindsey District Council.

Both of these notices have been displayed on the Village Notice Board.


Any Other Business

There has been litter found on Templefield Road after the 30mph signs on entering the Village. Our litter picker, Luana de Santis is to be requested to follow up on this.


Parish Council Vacancy

Following on from the legal requirements having been completed in order to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council, it was decided to co-opt a new member.

Several names were put forward. Interest has been shown from Helen Goring of Hollowgate Hill and following discussion it was unanimously decided that Helen be asked to join the Parish Council.

The Clerk will write to Helen informing her of the decision and the appropriate forms for completion and signing will be passed on to her.

Following completion, the forms and details will be forwarded on to West Lindsey District Council, with a copy being retained in the Parish Council records.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 8.34pm