May 2021 Minutes

Willoughton Parish Council

The Parish Council Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Thursday, 27th May, 2021, following the Annual General Meeting



Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell (Chairman), Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips (Vice-Chairman), Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, Cllr. Mr. B. Moore, Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano, Cllr. Ms. H. Goring, Cllr. Mr. P Baldwin, Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.), Mrs. K. Baldwin (Clerk)



Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams


Register Of Interest

Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell expressed an interest as his Wife is Chair of Governors at Willoughton School

Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest as local landowner and lessee of the Playing Field

Cllr. Mr. B. Moore expressed an interest as a member of the Committee of the Limestone Rangers Football Club


Matters Arising

No items for discussion were raised.


Playing Field

PCSO Julie McFaul and PC Steve Toyn joined the meeting at this point.

There have been a number of incidents on the Playing Field involving the playing of loud music which led to abuse of a local resident from one of the youngsters involved. The most recent incident involved the throwing of a glass bottle which shattered on the youth shelter and scattered on the grass. These incidents were reported to PCSO McFaul who has spoken with the individuals involved.

As a result of this, a letter has been handed in to the Parish Council from the person concerned in the glass bottle throwing, apologising for her behaviour. This has been graciously accepted and the Clerk is to write a reply acknowledging this.

Following a general discussion with regard to Police matters, PCSO McFaul and PC Toyn then left the meeting.

There was general consensus that the playing field was used to a much greater extent during the recent lockdown. The new goalposts have proved to be very popular but Cllr. Mr. B. Moore has noticed a small amount of rusting at the top joints on the posts. This will be investigated and any necessary action taken.

It was noted that the grass cutting on the field has greatly improved.


Highway Matters

There seems to be little progress at the present time with the on-going drainage problems in the Village – Hollowgate Hill, Pond Corner and Northfield Lane. Some white lines have been painted on Gainsborough Road but time will tell as to whether any work will be carried out. In the meantime, the road is badly deteriorating in a number of locations.

It was decided that a letter of complaint be written to the Chief Executive and the Leader of the County Council. Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell and Cllr. Mr. P. Baldwin agreed to liaise on the writing of these letters and progress (if any) will be reported at the next meeting.

Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips brought up the speed of vehicles passing through the Village on the “rat run” between Hollowgate Hill and Gainsborough Road. The volume of vehicles has almost returned to pre-Covid days and most seem to completely ignore the 30mph speed limit. It was decided that the Clerk should write to Graeme Butler from the Road Safety Partnership and request that traffic monitors be placed on the roads into/out of the Village in order to check the speed/type of vehicle using the roads. This information could then be collated and forwarded to the Clerk for discussion by the Parish Council.

It has been suggested that some of the worst offenders for speeding are parents delivering their offspring to and from School. The Clerk is to send a letter to the School asking them to kindly remind parents of the speed limit.



Two cheques have been paid out during April:

Cheque 794, LALC Annual Subscription £136.777

Cheque 795, Luana de Santis, Litter Picking for April £89.10

This leaves the sum of £8795.34 In the Current Account and £11,500.45 in the Savings Account.

There are two cheques for signature:

Cheque 799, Luana de Santis, Litter Picking for May £89.10

Cheque 800. Luana de Santis, Litter Picking for June £89.10

After payment of all cheques, this leaves £5,749.33 in the Current Account and £11,500.45 in the Savings Account.

This gives a total of £17,249.76 in the Parish Council Accounts



No correspondence has been received apart from a catalogue advertising litter bins.


Any Other Business

The question of public footpaths shown on the Definitive Map was raised. Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano has been in touch with Chris Miller the Lincolnshire County Council Countryside Officer, via e-mail.

Discussion followed and it was decided that Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano should try and speak with Chris Miller to ascertain if old footpaths can be re-instated and if present footpaths can be diverted or changed. Progress will be reported at the next meeting.

Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips then raised the possibility of the planting of daffodil bulbs in locations around the Village. The display on Hollowgate Hill in the Spring is beautiful and if this could be repeated in other locations this would add to the display. Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips is to look into costs and provision of the bulbs.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 8:45pm