May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Willoughton Parish Council
The A.G.M. of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Thursday, 27th May, 2021, at 7:10pm
Cllr. Mr. B. Moore (Chairman), Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell (Vice-Chairman), Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson, Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano, Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips, Cllr. Ms. H. Goring, Cllr. Mr. P. Baldwin, Cllr. Mr. P. Howitt-Cowan (W.L.D.C.), Mrs. K. Baldwin (Clerk)
Cllr. Mrs. C. Perraton-Williams (L.C.C.)
Election Of Chairman
It was proposed by Cllr. Mr. P. Baldwin and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. S. Rovezzano that Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell be elected as Chairman for the coming twelve months. The motion was carried unanimously.
Sign Acceptance Of Office As Chairman
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell completed the Acceptance of Office as Chairman
Election Of Vice-Chairman
It was proposed by Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson and seconded by Cllr. Ms. H. Goring that Cllr. Mrs. K. Phillips be elected as Vice-Chairman for the coming year. The motion was carried unanimously.
Register Of Interest
Cllr. Mr. D. Cowell expressed an interest as his wife is Chair of Governors at Willoughton School.
Cllr. Mr. G. Rowles Nicholson expressed an interest as local landowner and lessee of the Playing field.
Cllr. Mr. B. Moore expressed an interest as a member of the Limestone Rangers Football Club Committee.
Complete Risk Assessment/Sign Audit Papers
The Risk Assessment was discussed fully and the necessary paperwork completed. A huge “thank you” is once again due to Mr. Brent Peaurt for completing the Internal Audit and preparing the Parish Council Accounts (fiscal year 2020/2021). The Exemption Certificate together with the Accounting statements, the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounts Book were approved and signed. The Exemption Certificate and necessary papers will be forwarded to the external Auditors, Messrs. PKF Littlejohn LLP of London.
Annual Accounts For Payment
There is the sum of £9021.21 in the Current Account (this includes the Precept for 2021/2022 in the sum of £7,700) and £11,500.35 in the Savings Account.
There are three cheques requiring signature:
Cheque 796, BHIB Insurance £345.16
Cheque 797, Willoughton Village Hall £849.00 (This includes a donation of £675.00, rent of £18.00 and rent for Outreach Services of £156.00)
Clerk’s annual salary of £1405.04 and annual expenses of £268.61
This leaves the sum of £6153.40 in the Current Account
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 7:30pm